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Become a Blogger as One of the Best Ways of Starting Your Online Career

Become a blogger and blogging is one of the best ways of running your online career.

Blogging is a career for serious people who wants to get some six figure income from the power of the internet.

There are many questions such as:

  • What should I study to become a blogger?
  • How to become a blogger in social media?
  • Can I become a blogger and make money?

Many other questions are in people’s mind nowadays since you can make money via blogging and if you have the talent, skills and passion you should go for it.

Why Should I Have a Blog?

Power of Blogging

Blogging is the only way to get free targeted traffics from the search engines to your website.

People who are visiting your website through free targeted traffics are usually more serious people and they are showing interest in your products or services.

With blogging you can explain about yourself or your organization that people can trust you with your products, services or/and affiliate products.

There are many people who are making six or seven figures per year via blogging only and they are millionaires.

Those people don’t even have a Facebook page or any YouTube channel but are able to make lot of money with just blogging.

So, you should never under estimate the power of blogging.

If you are serious about this type of business please click here for more information.

Blogging Services

There are many ways of doing blogging, which I’m going to explain the comparison between the WordPress blogging and the free blogging in this article.

WordPress vs. Free Blogging
  • It is one of the best application that you can use to run your blog
  • You own domain and have your own web address
  • Most of hosting companies are supporting WordPress and it comes with your hosting package for free
  • Has many widgets and themes that you can use to design your website
  • There are many beautiful themes with nice layouts that you can purchase for low price
  • Easy to use
  • Reliable
  • Recommended for serious business owners
Free Blogging Services
  • Totally Free
  • You can’t have your own domain name
  • No domain name
  • The blogging service provider has total control over your blog
  • Your blog can be destroyed and gone at anytime
  • It is not reliable
  • Not recommended for serious business owners

Useful Strategies for Successful Bloggers


There are several strategies that you should use when you are a blogger and do the blogging as a way of living.



  1. Pick the niche that you are familiar with or have interest on
  2. Industry or category
  3. Find the market place and needs
  4. Write good and unique articles and post them in your blog
  5. A Good Blogger Uses a unique keyword for each article
  6. Focus on only one niche for each blog and don’t just put anything you see or want

1- Pick the Niche That You Are Familiar with or Have Interest On

The best way of getting successful with your online career is that you should pick a niche that you are familiar with and interested in.

When you are familiar with the product,  services or any topic your productivity will increase and you are showing more motivation to write about it.

For example if you are a designer, you can write about any useful designing tips and post it on your blog.

Because you are familiar with that niche it makes it much more easier for you to post your articles, videos and images with passion.

That makes it more attractive to your followers and they will show more interest in your products and services.

2- Industry or Category

Blogging base on the specific industry or category is also possible as long as you don’t exceed your limit.

If you want to write about any industries products and doing evaluations and overviews on their products or services is also consider as a niche for your online business.

3- Find the Market Place and Needs

You should check the market place as well and see what is the needs for specific products or services first.

Lets say, you are a carpenter and want to write about the latest home design,  decoration and also  you can write about the constructions tips as well.

The market place on each product and services are based on the location and geographical area of where your audience will be at.

For example, if you go and interview some people at the furniture store, then let say people are looking at nice bedroom sets.

Then your niche will be on the modern bedroom sets and you can write about your designs and describe about each article that you post.

4- Write Good and Unique Articles and Post Them in Your Blog

Writing a unique articles will increase the chance of your site to show on the first page of the search engines.

There are some restrict rules about the unique articles and indexing your articles with most of the search engines that you should get familiar with and read all the requirements before you start.

Don’t copy and paste other people’s articles to your blog because search engines are smart and your site might get penalized and you won’t get any traffics anymore to your site.

So, you have to take it seriously and pay attention to those small details when you are a blogger.

5- A Good Blogger Uses a Unique Keyword for Each Article

In SEO using a unique key phrase or keyword is very important and helps in ranking your website.

There are many websites such as Semrush  that you can use to make sure that your keyword is a unique keyword.

Make sure that your keyword has lot of search and not many results.

6- Focus on Only One Niche for Each Blog and Don’t Just Put Anything You See or Want

Try to focus on only one niche because it is not professional to just have a blog and write about everything in one blog.

The best suggestions from the successful bloggers are that you should focus on only one niche and focus on that only one topic.

That way you know what your followers are interested at and you can offer them your products and services with success.

7- What Should I Study to Become a Blogger?

There is no specific subject to study to become a blogger, all you have to do is just visit the video in this page and create your first blog following these steps.

It would be very helpful if you have a web design background but it is not necessarily and you can have your blog up an running without any skills.

The only thing you should focus on is that each blog should be specific on focus on only one niche or subject.

This way, your audience and subscribers are all having the same interest and that can help you sell them the products and services that they are more interested.

8- How to Become a Blogger in The Social Media?

You can always create a page or a channel with your social media account and write about your niche and subjects that you are interested and expert at.

That make you post your advertises to your audience and be able to make money.

However, you can’t become a blogger in the social media only, and you need your own personal blog and post your articles to your social media page of channel.

This way, you can bring all your followers to your blog and get a good amount of traffics.

9- Can I Make Money Doing Bogging?

The answer to this question is yes.

You can make a lot of money with the power of blogging and you should never under estimate the power of blogging.

Moreover, I do believe that if someone has some kind of business ideas, passions, skills, and training ideas, should start blogging and start making money as of today.

There are many competitors for each niche but you should try your best to improve your services and products to be able to stand out.

Many techniques that you should use in order to keep your audience and customers happy with you.

Such as: free stuffs, free ebooks, free services, free tutorials and so on that you can offer to your audience.

Unique Key phrase or Keyword in SEO

In SEO using a unique key phrase or keyword is very important and helps in ranking your website.

1) Click here to register your FREE domain name and buy a hosting for it:

Notes for New Bloggers:

– Your FirsnameLastname.com is the best option for your blog. For example, JohnSmith.com

– Just the cheapest hosting package (Hatchling Plan) is enough for the start. Order it for 24 months.

-No Hosting Addons is needed.

-Make sure not to pay for any Hosting Addons since you are just a beginner and just remove them from your order before you make the payment, if they are already added.

2) Please Send us the information below  when you are done, so that we can setup your blog:

Domain name:
Hosting cpanel URL or address:
Your hosting username:
Login password:

We will setup your blog and will let you know.

Good luck!


About: RojanSalman

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